Cellid Co.,Ltd. leads research of anti-cancer immunotherapies and Vaccines for preventing infectious diseases

Stock Information

Cellid (299660)

As of 2024.09.16 03:45

Current Price


Net change ▲260
Fluctuation rate(%) ▲ 4.57%
Aggregate value of listed stock (100 million won) 1,255
Net change (won/stock) ▲260
Exchange volume (10 million won) 5,622,568
Trading value 3,398
Market value (won/stock) 5,850
High price (won/stock) 6,380
Low price (won/stock) 5,690
Upper limit 7,390
Lower limit 3,990
Number of listed stock 21,102,977

Daily stock value Scroll left and right to read.

Date Closing price Net change Market value High price Low price Exchange volume Trading value
24/09/13 5,950 260 5,850 6,380 5,690 5,615,036 33,940,381,460
24/09/12 5,690 90 5,530 6,250 5,440 4,686,815 27,437,801,700
24/09/11 5,600 500 6,050 6,400 5,580 5,018,606 30,116,806,480
24/09/10 6,100 390 6,870 7,520 6,000 15,836,408 109,409,438,350
24/09/09 6,490 1,495 4,900 6,490 4,765 6,195,517 36,151,100,170
24/09/06 4,995 305 5,320 5,340 4,915 1,065,888 5,373,717,240
24/09/05 5,300 300 5,500 5,630 5,200 1,337,390 7,207,014,270
24/09/04 5,600 330 5,800 5,800 5,290 1,722,988 9,469,004,650
24/09/03 5,930 290 6,290 6,480 5,760 1,948,337 11,927,933,210
24/09/02 6,220 20 6,300 6,750 6,120 3,733,529 23,856,512,380