Cellid Co.,Ltd. leads research of anti-cancer immunotherapies and Vaccines for preventing infectious diseases

Stock Information

Cellid (299660)

As of 2024.07.27 13:18

Current Price


Net change ▲1,150
Fluctuation rate(%) ▲ 29.79%
Aggregate value of listed stock (100 million won) 681
Net change (won/stock) ▲1,150
Exchange volume (10 million won) 1,699,481
Trading value 826
Market value (won/stock) 4,565
High price (won/stock) 5,010
Low price (won/stock) 4,520
Upper limit 5,010
Lower limit 2,705
Number of listed stock 13,602,977

Daily stock value Scroll left and right to read.

Date Closing price Net change Market value High price Low price Exchange volume Trading value
24/07/26 5,010 1,150 4,565 5,010 4,520 1,699,478 8,255,371,005
24/07/25 3,860 890 3,575 3,860 3,480 3,486,225 13,061,999,530
24/07/24 2,970 685 2,410 2,970 2,405 4,369,273 12,160,480,695
24/07/23 2,285 525 1,745 2,285 1,738 1,168,541 2,459,420,807
24/07/22 1,760 39 1,805 1,814 1,733 101,845 180,266,067
24/07/19 1,799 89 1,870 1,870 1,788 72,902 132,232,195
24/07/18 1,888 14 1,902 1,902 1,817 55,441 103,188,304
24/07/17 1,902 33 1,930 1,969 1,900 55,641 106,551,334
24/07/16 1,935 15 1,921 1,999 1,921 25,590 49,848,709
24/07/15 1,950 15 1,966 2,000 1,923 33,502 65,629,126