Cellid Co.,Ltd. leads research of anti-cancer immunotherapies and Vaccines for preventing infectious diseases

Stock Information

Cellid (299660)

As of 2024.12.12 01:20

Current Price


Net change ▲10
Fluctuation rate(%) ▲ 0.18%
Aggregate value of listed stock (100 million won) 1,143
Net change (won/stock) ▲10
Exchange volume (10 million won) 690,224
Trading value 373
Market value (won/stock) 5,520
High price (won/stock) 5,520
Low price (won/stock) 5,290
Upper limit 7,030
Lower limit 3,790
Number of listed stock 21,102,977

Daily stock value Scroll left and right to read.

Date Closing price Net change Market value High price Low price Exchange volume Trading value
24/12/11 5,420 10 5,520 5,520 5,290 690,224 3,734,256,620
24/12/10 5,410 190 5,220 5,870 5,220 1,999,717 11,099,035,340
24/12/09 5,220 370 5,360 5,460 5,020 1,014,959 5,254,623,950
24/12/06 5,590 380 5,970 6,080 5,310 1,572,734 8,774,811,990
24/12/05 5,970 330 6,350 6,680 5,920 2,115,389 13,276,469,330
24/12/04 6,300 260 6,900 7,230 6,090 10,280,342 68,930,997,130
24/12/03 6,560 1,510 5,050 6,560 5,050 6,463,643 40,019,510,570
24/12/02 5,050 90 5,150 5,350 4,985 766,269 3,945,295,835
24/11/29 5,140 580 5,670 6,590 5,080 5,258,797 30,984,641,830
24/11/28 5,720 30 5,600 6,010 5,520 1,792,216 10,397,884,270