Cellid Co.,Ltd. leads research of anti-cancer immunotherapies and Vaccines for preventing infectious diseases

Stock Information

Cellid (299660)

As of 2025.03.06 15:46

Current Price


Net change ▼265
Fluctuation rate(%) ▼ -5.91%
Aggregate value of listed stock (100 million won) 890
Net change (won/stock) ▼265
Exchange volume (10 million won) 322,733
Trading value 140
Market value (won/stock) 4,485
High price (won/stock) 4,485
Low price (won/stock) 4,200
Upper limit 5,830
Lower limit 3,140
Number of listed stock 21,102,977

Daily stock value Scroll left and right to read.

Date Closing price Net change Market value High price Low price Exchange volume Trading value
25/03/06 4,220 265 4,485 4,485 4,200 322,728 1,401,620,061
25/03/05 4,485 80 4,570 4,650 4,460 211,590 955,740,135
25/03/04 4,565 45 4,600 4,660 4,475 237,197 1,071,993,295
25/02/28 4,610 115 4,710 4,795 4,605 248,139 1,156,606,130
25/02/27 4,725 35 4,760 4,800 4,720 184,765 878,078,715
25/02/26 4,760 65 4,850 4,905 4,705 330,939 1,573,968,055
25/02/25 4,825 70 4,755 4,950 4,615 492,881 2,353,856,890
25/02/24 4,755 200 5,190 5,340 4,720 1,856,147 9,310,413,080
25/02/21 4,555 95 4,650 4,680 4,550 272,703 1,250,240,225
25/02/20 4,650 160 4,815 4,830 4,645 257,733 1,214,073,570